All about Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013), with fascinating facts on his life, his work and his legacy.
July 18, 1918 – born Rolihlahla Mandela at Mvezo in the Transkei.
9 – Mandela’s age when his father died. He was then placed into the care of chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the acting regent of the Thembu people (his father had been a counsellor to the Thembu royal family).
1941 – the year in which, aged 23, Mr Mandela fled an attempted arranged marriage and arrived in Johannesburg.
25 – the age at which he enrolled for a law degree at Witswaterand University, a primarily white institution. Mandela’s experiences of racism would later inspire and inform his political life.
1944 – the year in which Mr Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC), before later co-founding the ANC Youth League.
1944 – the year he married his first wife, Evelyn Mase.
1952 – the year Mr Mandela qualified as a lawyer and, along with partner Oliver Tambo, opened a Johannesburg law practice, going on to campaign against apartheid, the system which divided whites and blacks in South Africa.

1956 – the year Mr Mandela was charged with high treason.
156 – the number of activists arrested at the time.
4 – the number of years that Mr Mandela’s trial lasted, before charges were finally dropped.
1958 – the year in which Mr Mandela and Evelyn Mase divorced, and in which he married Winnie Madikizela.
1960 – the year in which the ANC were officially outlawed, prompting Mr Mandela to go underground.
1962 – the year Mr Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and conspiracy against the state.
46664 – Mr Mandela’s prison number
1964 – the year Mr Mandela was moved to the notorious Robben Island prison.
1982 – the year Mr Mandela was moved to prison on the mainland, where stayed until his releases.
27 – the number of years Mr Mandela spent in prison.
February 11 1990 – the date on which Mr Mandela was finally released from prison.
1993 – the year in which Mr Mandela (along with with FW de Klerk) won the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded on December 10.
1994 – the year Mr Mandela was elected to become South Africa’s first black president.
1996 – the year Mr Mandela divorced Winnie Mandela.
80 – Mr Mandela’s age when he married his third wife, Graça Machel, July 18 1998 (his 80th birthday).
1999 – the year he stepped down as president.
85 – the age at which Mr Mandela retired from public life (in 2004).
July 18 2009 – the date that the first official Nelson Mandela International Day was inaugurated by the United Nations, on Mr Mandela’s 91st birthday.
278 – the number of awards, honours and other recognitions bestowed upon Nelson Mandela during his lifetime.
December 5 2013 – Mr Mandela passes away, at home in Johannesburg, aged 95.
Our people have lost a father. Although we knew this day was going to come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss.
– Jacob Zuma, South African President
– Jacob Zuma, South African President
South Africa and the world have lost a colossus and epitome of humility, equality, justice and peace. His life gives us the courage to push forward for development and progress towards ending hunger and poverty.
– African National Congress
– African National Congress
I believe that his example will live on and that it will continue to inspire all South Africans to achieve his vision of non-racialism, justice, human dignity and equality for all.
– FW de Klerk, Former South African President and joint-Nobel Peace Prize winner
– FW de Klerk, Former South African President and joint-Nobel Peace Prize winner
More QuotesWe’ve lost one of the most influential, courageous and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this earth. He no longer belongs to us. He belongs to the ages.
– Barack Obama, US President
– Barack Obama, US President